Are you in the market for Stainless Steel Cookware?
Here’s something you probably didn’t know: stainless steel was first discovered in 1913 by a metallurgist in.. get this.. a WEAPON EXPERIMENT. He was trying to produce a stronger material for weapons.
Stainless steel is everywhere: in cookware, flatware, appliances, building construction, implants, weapons…the list goes on.
But if you are in the market for a stainless steel set, or just wondering about the pans you already own, you might have questions about stainless steel. Like:
Is it easy to use?
Is it easy to clean?
Why on earth does stainless steel cookware stick?
And most importantly: Is stainless steel cookware safe?
You’d be surprised to know that the answer to that last question is not as simple as it appears. Here’s an exhaustive guide to Stainless Steel Cookware. Hopefully, it will answer ALL the questions you have. Read on….
What is stainless steel?
Back when I didn’t know any better, I used to think that steel was just another element – like oxygen, carbon, aluminum etc. But obviously, I know better now, that it is not.
Steel is an alloy (which means mixture) of mostly iron, combined with up to 1.7% by weight of carbon.
Steel is much stronger that plain iron but it can rust and corrode. In order to make it resistant to rust and corrosion, it is combined with chromium and other elements to form stainless steel.
Stainless steel, in it simplest form, is an alloy of steel with 10.5% or more of chromium by weight. Chromium makes stainless steel ‘‘passive’ (i.e. non-reactive) by combining with oxygen and immediately forming a layer of chromium oxide which prevents the oxidation (i.e. rusting) of the iron present in the stainless steel. The higher the chromium content, the higher the corrosion resistance of stainless steel.
The amount of chromium in stainless steel varies according to what it will be used for, e.g. cookware, pipework, industrial uses, medical equipment etc. For food contact, it is mandated by the NSF International Standard for Food Equipment Material that stainless steel must contain at least 16% chromium by weight.
It is chromium that gives stainless steel its characteristic luster and mirror-like finish.
Stainless steel gets its name from the fact that it doesn’t stain, tarnish or rust like steel.
Other elements are also added into stainless steel such as molybdenum, nickel and nitrogen.
Most food grade stainless steel contains nickel. Nickel makes stainless steel stronger and improves its resistance to oxidization and corrosion, particularly in the presence of acidic materials. It also adds a ‘silver-like’ shine to the metal.
So, to sum it up:
Steel = (mostly) Iron + (a little bit of) Carbon
Stainless Steel = Steel + (at least 10.5%) Chromium + Other optional elements like Nickel, Molybdenum, Nitrogen, Titanium etc.
There are literally thousands of different formulations for stainless steel, but for our purposes, we will focus only on food grade stainless steel.
What is Food Grade Stainless Steel?
According to the NSF International Standard for Food Equipment Material, stainless steel used in food equipment has to be of a type in the (AISI) 200 series, 300 series, or 400 series.
Let’s have a more detailed look at what these series mean.
300 series
304 stainless steel
By far the most common type of stainless steel used in cookware. The two most popular types of stainless steel are 18/10 and 18/8 which form part of the 304 series. You might have seen these numbers stamped on stainless steel cookware and wondered what those are. Let’s explain what these mean.
The first number refers to the amount of chromium present and the second represents the amount of nickel. For example, 18/10 stainless steel is made of 18% chromium and 10% nickel.
Likewise, 18/8 stainless steel has 18% chromium and 8% nickel.
In terms of performance, there is negligible difference between 18/10 and 18/8 and if a manufacturer claims otherwise, it is just a marketing ploy.
304 stainless steel is known as an ‘austenitic’ type of stainless steel and is non-magnetic.
316 stainless steel
Less common that 304 stainless steel, the 316 type of stainless steel is a high-end version of stainless steel that contains a small percentage of molybdenum. The chemical composition is approximately 16–18% chromium, and 10–14% nickel and 2% molybdenum. This grade of stainless steel is even more resistant to corrosion but is also more expensive.
316 is also called marine stainless steel since it is used in marine environments where a higher resistance to corrosion is needed due to high exposure to extreme salt water erosion. It is also called surgical stainless steel as it is used in biomedical implants.
So if you’re wondering about a Surgical Stainless Steel Cookware Set, now you know the difference: it contains molybdenum (or titanium), has a higher corrosion resistance and might cost you more.
Is 316 surgical stainless steel superior to 304 stainless steel for cooking?
Concise answer: No. In day to day cooking, you are likely NOT to notice any difference and for any thing you want to cook, a good quality 304 stainless steel set will do just fine. But it does not hurt to be offered a choice, specially if it is a choice between two quality options.
400 series
430 Stainless Steel
Now we come to 18/0, which, as we know by now, means 18% chromium and and 0% nickel.
This is part of the ‘400 series’ and is used primarily for flatware, mixing bowls and cheaper stockpots.
While some people with allergies are looking for nickel free flatware and cookware, keep in mind that flatware made with 18/0 stainless steel will not be as corrosion resistant or keep its shine over the years.
It’s also important to know that while ‘legally’ nickel-free, it does contain a negligible 0.75% of nickel.
400 series stainless steel is a ‘ferritic’ type of stainless steel and is magnetic.
200 series
In the 200 series, manufacturers replace the nickel with manganese since it is much cheaper. So the end result is a much cheaper stainless steel. This series is also considered food grade and is safe, however it is not a high quality stainless steel and can corrode or rust.
Like 304, it is also non-magnetic.
Why use stainless steel?
For those who have visited this site before, you will know I am a great fan of stainless steel cookware and, in fact, personally, it is my #1 choice when it comes to cookware.
But here’s the honest truth : Stainless steel is NOT a great conductor of heat.
In fact, if you compare the thermal conductivity of different cookware materials, stainless steel is right at the bottom of the list with a conductivity (ability to conduct heat) that is 16 times LESS than that of aluminum. That means it will take 16 times as long for a stainless steel pan to heat up compared to an aluminum pan.
Secondly, it is ‘stick’ cookware…. which means that unless you master the art of stainless steel cooking, most food will stick. And eggs …don’t even think about it!
So why even use it? Because despite the above factors, stainless steel comes with a long list of advantages. Here are 9 that I can think of:
- It is durable. You can bang it, scratch it and scrub it. It still works. It’s also much harder than aluminum or copper and has a much higher melting point than either. That makes it the most durable of all common cookware materials.
- It looks good. The shiny, polished luster of a good stainless steel set is hard to beat.
- Easy to maintain. Doesn’t need much special care and if your stainless steel cookware is looking a bit dull, all you need is a cup of vinegar and water to restore the shine and sparkle. Or some Barkeepers Friend.
- Non-reactive. Unlike pure copper and aluminum which react with acidic food, stainless steel is relatively inert, i.e. it does not react with food.
- Great for searing. Withstands higher heat with no issues.
- It is versatile. Stainless steel is also great for frying, steaming, sautéing, boiling, braising, steaming, stewing and poaching. Just about anything.
- Excellent value for money. Stainless steel sets are generally quite affordable but the real value lies in the durability. You will get years and years out of one pan or set.
- Can be combined with aluminum or copper core. This way you can get the durability and non-reactive advantages of stainless steel, along with the conductivity of the other material.
- Safe cookware option. With a few caveats, it is one of the safest cookware options in the market.
What to look for when buying stainless steel cookware?
Or stated another way, what determines the quality of stainless steel cookware?
Say you’re in the market for a good stainless steel set. Now I don’t expect you to walk around with calipers to measure the thickness of the material or a weighing scale to check the weight. But here are some things to keep in mind:
1. The grade of stainless steel.
You want to make sure that the stainless steel cookware is made with 18/8 or 18/10 as these are the standard used in good quality cookware. Most cookware will have one of these numbers stamped at the bottom or stated on the box. What to do if nothing is stamped on the bottom? Look at the other criteria below.
2. The weight of the pot.
Without getting technical about the thickness of the base or the sides and what the ‘right’ thickness should be, a good quality stainless steel pot will have a certain ‘heft’ which you can feel when you lift it.
A heavier pot means more material was used to make it, which means it was more costly for the manufacturer to make it and will therefore be pricier for you to buy.
It will also be more sturdy and be less likely to have hot spots. This means food will cook more evenly.
A heavier pan also means it is less susceptible to dents and dings.
Shopping online so can’t really lift a pan before buying? No problem. Check reviews to see if someone talks about the heaviness or sturdiness of the pots.
3. The material used in the core.
Stainless steel is a poor conductor of heat. You want to look for stainless steel cookware that has an aluminum or copper core or cladding so that you get the durability of stainless steel along with the superior heat conductivity of either of the other two metals.
Core means a disc at the bottom of the pan. Cladding, also known as ‘ply’ (e.g. tri-ply) means a complete layer along the base and sides.
Keep in mind that clad cookware will always be more expensive than cookware with just a metal core. And cookware with copper will always be more expensive than cookware with aluminum.
The performance of stainless steel cookware is mainly dependent on how efficiently the pan spreads heat, with no hot spots. This is dependent on the thickness of the copper or aluminum core. The thicker the core, the better the heat distribution.
One thing to note is that an aluminum core needs to be 3 times as thick as a copper core to get the same heat distribution. This means that a pan with an aluminum core will have a thicker base than one with copper. So if you are using weight to determine the quality of a pan and comparing two sets, make sure you are comparing the same kinds of pans, i.e. copper core against copper core and aluminum core against aluminum core. (source: meyercanada.ca)
Here are the common metal combinations and options within each:
- Stainless steel cookware with aluminum core:
- Tri-ply Stainless steel cookware with aluminum cladding
- Multi-ply Stainless steel cookware cookware with aluminum cladding:
- Calphalon Signature Stainless Steel Cookware Set (5 ply, Triple-layer aluminum core fused between two layers for stainless steel)
- Made In Cookware (premium 5 ply w/ aluminum core, entirely made in America, new launch in 2017. Read our review here)
- 360 Cookware Waterless Cookware, Handcrafted in the USA! (premium 5 ply w/aluminum core)
- Stainless steel cookware with copper core:
- Stainless steel cookware with copper cladding:
- Lagostina Martellata Tri-ply Hammered Stainless Steel Copper Set (also has aluminum cladding)
- All-Clad Copper Core 5-Ply Cookware
4. Reputation of the company
Last, but not least, choose a brand that has a reputation for good quality. As you can see from the options above, you can find a decent set in almost any budget.
How to care for / maintain stainless steel cookware?
While stainless steel cookware needs much less effort to maintain vs. coated cookware, here are some guidelines that will help:
- Cook on medium heat. This helps food stick less and also release more easily from the stainless steel surface.
- When done with cooking, allow your pan to cool off before soaking. Soaking a hot pan can cause warping.
- Once cooled, soak the pan with warm soapy water. When you are ready to clean it, food should wipe right off.
- If your pan shows stains or a white deposit, wash with vinegar and water. Barkeepers friend also helps restore luster and remove stains.
- Don’t let the pan soak for hours. You can cause pitting.
- Don’t store food, specially acidic foods (e.g. tomato based), in your stainless steel pot.
How do I make a stainless steel pan non-stick?
4 words: hot pan, cold oil.
Heat the pan till you can feel the heat rising when you place your hand above it. Coat the base of the pan with a little bit of oil and let it get hot, almost to a smoking point. At this point, food should not stick to the pan. For a more detailed description, you can read my article 5 secrets to cooking with stainless steel.
Can you make eggs in a stainless steel skillet?
You can make anything you want in a stainless steel skillet, the real question is: can you make eggs in a stainless steel pan without sticking? Many home cooks swear by it and I have to admit I’m NOT one of them.
Anyhow, if making eggs in stainless steel is something you want to master, here’s a nice video that demonstrates how to do it. The key to success is having enough heat (i.e. a hot enough pan) and having enough fat (butter or oil) when you fry the eggs.
Personally, I always keep a good non-stick fry pan in use just for frying eggs. I prefer the ease and the fail-proof convenience. It’s no surprise that the Paula Deen Signature stainless steel set comes with 2 non-stick fry pans.
Can stainless steel cookware be used on induction cook tops?
Depends on the particular brand.
Induction cook tops work by transferring magnetic energy from the cook top to the cookware. For any cookware to work on an induction cook top, it has to be magnetic, and the easiest way to check is to stick a fridge magnet on the base.
Most stainless steel cookware is made of 304 stainless steel, (18/10 or 18/8) which is not magnetic. In order to work on induction cook tops, SS cookware has to be made of magnetic stainless steel, which, as we now know, contains no nickel (18/0 or 400 series).
In most cases, if a stainless steel cookware is induction compatible, it is made of 3 or 5 layers of metal – the non-magnetic, more corrosion resistant 18/10 stainless steel inside, the magnetic, nickel free 18/0 steel on the outside and a layer of aluminum or copper between the two layers for better heat conduction.
So if a cookware is advertised as induction ready or made with magnetic stainless steel, it generally means that just the outer layer is made with magnetic (i.e. nickel-free) stainless steel. The inside food contact surface is usually 18/10 stainless steel.
Similarly, there is a myth floating around on the web that if you can stick a magnet to the base of a stainless steel pot, it is safe and high quality. That is too simplistic as a measure and all it means is that the outer layer is nickel free. The inner layer is almost certainly 18/10 stainless steel.
I say almost certainly because traditionally, you would be hard pressed to find a good quality stainless steel cookware that is made completely of nickel-free stainless steel (and is thereby magnetic i.e. induction friendly).
However, I’ve recently been seeing nickel-free stainless steel cookware by the name of Homi Chef made with Japanese standard 21/0 stainless steel. That is, 21% Chromium and no nickel. The base has an aluminum core sandwiched between two layers of nickel-free stainless steel. The higher amount of chromium vs 18/0 stainless steel would make it more resistant to rusting and corrosion. While I would not expect it to have the same corrosion resistance of 18/10 SS, the reviews so far seem very promising and I think its a good option particularly for people who are allergic to nickel.
For a complete list of the 7 best nickel free cookware options, read our full write up here.
Bottomline: If you are looking for induction ready stainless steel, look for quality cookware that prominently displays that information in their advertising or packaging.
Why does stainless steel cookware stick?
According to scienceofcooking.com, food that is rich in protein (like meats and eggs) forms a bond with the metal which causes it to stick.
Another theory is that steel expands when it is hot and contracts when it comes in contact with cooler food, making the food stick to the surface. It is for this reason that manufacturers recommend bringing the meat to room temperature before adding it to a hot pan. Keep in mind that once the meat reaches a certain temperature, it will release from the pan.
Cooking on too high heat also causes food to stick more, which is why you will see recommendations for cooking on medium to low heat.
Lastly, if your stainless steel cookware is not of good quality, it might have hot spots, causing food to stick.
Does stainless steel cookware rust?
By its nature, stainless steel is resistant to rust, corrosion and stains. But just because it’s ‘stain-less’ doesn’t mean it’s ‘stain-never’. Yes, it does stain and yes, sometimes it does rust. In fact, we shortlisted the top 6 stains on stainless steel and possible remedies for each.
If your pan is showing signs of rust then it could be one of three reasons:
- The composition of the steel : Nickel free 18/0 stainless steel is more prone to rust than 304/316 stainless steel which is 18/10 (18% chromium, 10% nickel).
- The quality of the steel : Chromium is the key element which makes stainless steel rust resistant. By definition, stainless steel must have a minimum 10.5% by weight of chromium. In the US, stainless steel that comes in contact with food must contain at least 16% chromium. High quality 304/316 stainless steel contains anywhere from 18-20% chromium. So a cheaper, unbranded set might have the low range of chromium, which means more of the basic rust-prone steel is exposed.
- The usage of the pan or the environment it is used in. Too much acidic food, too much harsh scouring or extremely salty conditions can also cause stainless steel to rust.
What kind of utensils can I use with stainless steel cookware?
Just about any kind. With stainless steel, you are not limited to any particular kind of utensils, be it wood, plastic or stainless steel. My personal preference is always wood.
Which is better: hard anodized nonstick cookware or stainless steel cookware?
There is no firm answer to that question.
The choice of cookware depends on you, your preferences, your cooking style and type of food you cook. Check out my article Stainless Steel vs Nonstick Cookware – 5 Tips On How To Choose
Is Stainless Steel Cookware Safe?
Yes. And No.
Confused? So was I. When I set out to answer this question, I realized there are two sides to this answer. You will have to be the best judge of which side you will go for.
So let’s break it down.
First, the Yes:
Stainless steel cookware is generally recognized as a safe material for cookware.
Any good quality stainless steel, be it 304 or 316 stainless steel, is a better choice than most of the other available materials. For example, coated aluminum pans lose their non-stick over time. Teflon-type coatings disintegrate if overheated. Glass and ceramic pans are poor conductors and break easily. Copper reacts with food and has to be lined with another metal (quite often stainless steel!). Cast iron needs to be seasoned otherwise it will rust.
Given these choices, stainless steel stands out as a low maintenance, durable and relatively inert option for cookware.
And now the No:
Stainless steel, while relatively inert compared to other metals, can leach nickel and chromium into food in low quantities. The amount leached depends on the grade of the stainless steel, the cooking time and the cookware usage.
Nickel leaching
According to Health Canada, nickel, in small quantities, is not poisonous. But for people who are allergic or have a sensitivity to nickel, it can cause a reaction, usually in the form of some skin irritation (aka dermatitis). According to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an estimated 10-20% of the population is allergic to nickel.
The major source of nickel exposure for most people, according to the NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information ), is food. Nickel is present in most foods and the average American consumes 69 to 162 μg of nickel per day. The tolerable limit for daily consumption is 1,000 μg per day.
Another organization, whfoods.org, says that the alloy in stainless steel cookware is much more stable than other cookware materials, which means you are less likely to have any leaching of any metal, including nickel.
So for most people, using corrosion-resistant nickel containing stainless steel cookware does not add significant amounts of nickel to the diet.
The point to stress here is ‘most people’. The 15-20% who DO have a nickel sensitivity are absolutely advised to avoid using Stainless Steel cookware and modify their diet to be low in nickel.
Chromium leaching
Health Canada states that small doses of chromium, like iron, are good for your health. Low levels of chromium are important for human health and metabolism of glucose, protein, and fat; at higher amounts it can be harmful. Most people consume 50 to 200 micrograms per day which is considered safe. The amount added to the diet from one meal cooked in stainless steel is 45 micrograms of chromium which is not enough to cause concern.
What about pitted and scratched stainless steel pots?
One thing to keep in mind is that if stainless steel cookware has been scratched and pitted by abuse and by scouring with an abrasive material like steel wool, it is more likely to leach nickel and chromium into food. It is still safe to use since the amounts are small. But it’s important to take care of your stainless steel pots and keep the surface intact.
How to minimize the reactivity of stainless steel?
Rebecca Wood at rebeccawood.com suggests 3 things to minimize the reactivity of stainless steel pots:
- Don’t use stainless steel to store food. Remove from pan as soon as cooking is done.
- Don’t use stainless steel for highly acidic or salty food. This will prevent corrosion.
- Never scour stainless steel pans with abrasive cleaners.
It seems that there is no cookware material that is not declared unsafe by someone or the other. But if you are not sensitive to nickel or chromium, use a reputable brand, and use your cookware with the care prescribed above, then the consensus is that stainless steel is an excellent choice and is acceptable and safe for cookware and bakeware.
What is the best stainless steel cookware set?
Here are our top choices for best stainless steel cookware:
- Cuisinart MCP-12 Multiclad Pro Stainless Steel Cookware
- Potluck Cookware Triply Stainless Steel set (updated 2019, read review here)
- Cuisinart Chef’s Classic Stainless Steel Cookware
Want ‘made in America’? Here are the best USA made sets (and Cookware Advisor favorites!):
- Made In cookware – 100% made in America
- 360 Cookware (Waterless Cookware), Handcrafted in the USA
PS: Wondering about waterless cookware? Read this
Disclosure: I get commissions for purchases made through links in this post.
Steamer pots sold in KMart, Australia, made in India do not mention what grade stainless steel they are using. They just say ‘stainless steel” Is it safe to purchase?
Hi Ishar, stainless steel cookware is, by and large, safe to use. For it to be used in cookware, it has to be food grade, regardless of where its made.
Stainless steel cookware is an excellent choice for those who are looking for durable, long-lasting, and versatile kitchenware. Not only does stainless steel provide a sleek and modern look in your kitchen, but it is also non-reactive and doesn’t impart any unwanted flavors or odors to your food.
Hello how about Othello stainless steel cookware at Amazon, could you give me some info?
Wow such an awesome article!
I am in the cookware space for a long time and this is definitely a solid informative article!
Working for Legend Cookware and bumped into this article because was researching 21/0 stainless however I was disappointed to see that when you mention copper core you don’t mention Legend Copper Core;(
But anyway great article!
Keep it coming!
Glad you found it useful Moe!
And I have to thank you for bringing Legend Copper Core cookware to my attention, it wasn’t on my radar yet. Will certainly look into it.
Great article, I just bought Ruffoni tri-ply stainless steel pot and it’s magnetic inside and outside, is it bad for cooking or how do I use it??
It wouldn’t be bad for cooking though I highly doubt its magnetic on the inside. Most (induction friendly) SS pans that are magnetic, are only on the outside.
Use it like you would use any stainless steel pot!
Hi, what’s your opinion on saladmaster cookware? It is being said because of its titanium component, it is the best stainless steel cookware
Hi Angel,
Saladmaster is known as high quality cookware and commands a premium price for it. Having said that, in actual usage, durability and performance, you would not find much of a difference in day to day cooking between a Saladmaster or any other good quality Stainless Steel cookware set, with or without Titanium. In the end it comes down to choice of brand and how much you’re willing to pay.
surgical stainless steel cookware or nickel-free stainless steel cookware. Which is best in health point of view.
hi Praveen, I wouldn’t say one is necessarily safer or healthier than the other. However, if you have a nickel allergy, nickel-free would be a more suitable option.
Both Calphalon tri-ply stainless steel Dutch oven and omelet stainless steel pan I just bought are magnetized on the inside, would this imply that they have no nickel content (18/0)? I couldn’t find any information at all what kind of stainless steel those two cookware were made of be it on Amazon, Calphalon website, google or product labels.
My other stainless steel cookware from KitchenAid, Lagostina were magnetized only on the outside. I’ve used those set for so many years and I trust in their quality. Seeing some negative reviews on Calphalon and it’s being magnetized on the inside make me question about Calphalon cookware durability. What are your thought? Thank you.
Hi Nisa, I’m surprised to hear that since only the outer layer of Calphalon tri-ply SS cookware is supposed to be magnetic (to make it induction compatible). Based on what I know about Calphalon tri-ply, the inner layer should not be magnetic.
What sometimes happens is that austenitic stainless steel (that’s what would be on the inside layer) gets weakly magnetized because of the manufacturing process. Which could be the case here, though, again, surprised to hear of it from an established brand like Calphalon, I would more likely expect that from a lower end product.
I think your best bet is to contact Calphalon directly and ask them. While there is definitely nickel-free and durable stainless steel cookware out there, which would be magnetic all around, I don’t think that is the intended design of this Calphalon tri-ply cookware.
Thank you for your reply and suggestions. I am awaiting response from Calphalon. Though, it doesn’t seem like they have a dedicated customer care team and will probably take awhile to get an answer from them.
If you hear back, do update here Nisa, I’m quite curious now as to the truth of the matter!
I saw a youtube video about multiclad stainless steel cookware where the layers ‘unbonded’ itself after only 2 years of use. It is one of the two top US brands so I am sure it is not some shady manufacturers. I wonder how the layers are bonded together… is it bonded by heat n pressure alone, or is there adhesives. Also I like to sear n then oven cook my meats. Could it be the oven temperatures that cause the layers to unravel itself? Moderate temps of only 350°F, not a scorching 500°F should not be too much?
Hi Terence, its actually not that common for metal layers in multi clad cookware to come apart so I wouldn’t base my decisions too much on one video. By and large, most stainless steel cookware performs for years without the layers delaminating.
I don’t really know how the layers are bonded though, you might want to reach out to an engineer to get an accurate answer for that.
Hi Great and in depth information. What does Brushed stainless steel mean?
Hi KK, easiest way to understand it is that ‘brushed’ stainless steel has a duller, almost matte finish vs polished which is a shinier, mirror-like finish. It’s just a difference in the final finishing of the product and doesn’t affect the functionality of the pan. Brushed also tends to hide finger prints and minor scratches. I hope that answers it for you!
Any opinion of the possible toxins from aluminum in cookware? Thank you.
Hi Karen, I did a full in-depth write up of Aluminum cookware, I think you might find it helpful. In a nutshell, my research led me to conclude that the chances of toxins leaching from Aluminum cookware into food are pretty slim. But do read to draw your own conclusions. Hope it helps!
This is so educating and informative ….so well written. Thank you. Especially for giving your opinion on HOMI Chef, I was not sure about the brand.
Thank you Missy, so glad it helped!
Fantastic article. Your way of presenting information is very unique! I was going through articles regarding kitchen appliances and found yours! Thanks for sharing and will come back for more to read.
Absolutely, the most Thorough breakdown of the options we have to cook everyday meals( and create magic in our own home) i have read yet….. Thank You for taking the time to Clarify the whole playing field of Cookware
What a nice compliment Miles, thank you :)
Any one have any experience with the brand Kitchenwear by Chantal (21/0 stainless steel)? Wondering if it’s rust resistance if used continuously for boiling water. Thank you.
Thank you for your very detailed article!
Three yrs ago, I bought Queen set from Amway which is triply clad with carbon steel insert and one five ply with additional aluminum core. Awesome experience!!!!!
Any comments most welcome!
Thank you for a most informative article on Stainless Steel cookware. It’s helped me a lot in making my decision on the type of cookware I’m searching to replace my non-stick fry pans. I’ve already used two for plants and one for washing my car parts in solvents. Cheers.
Glad it helped Chooncito :)
Such a helpful article!1 Loved reading it. SO simple and informative. Since it describes all the technicality behind steel cookware, you can easily make a decision when it comes to making the right choice in buying a good safe cookware. I will go for All-clad. its review and description looks amazing on Amazon.
Thanks so much for your compliments Savvy, really made my day :) Glad it helped.
I’d love your comments regarding Solidteknics pans.
Excellent article.
Thanks Joe, glad you found it useful!
Can you comment on the Solidteknics Noni nickel free stainless pans?
“For any cookware to work on an induction cook top, it has to be magnetic, and the easiest way to check is to stick a fridge magnet on the base.”
“Similarly, there is a myth floating around on the web that if you can stick a magnet to the base of a stainless steel pot, it is safe and high quality. ”
So the magnet is not a good test?
Hi Jim, the magnet test will tell you if a stainless steel cookware is induction friendly. However, it no guarantee or indicator of quality. Hope that clarifies.
Thanks Cookware Advisor.
You clarified it.
I recently purchased Kitchen Craft 7-ply Stainless Steel cookware. It’s also made in America. I was surprised that it wasn’t mentioned. Do you have any experience with it? I am very pleased with it.
Rust Proof Stainless Steel is easy to made and solid, it’s easy to wash and take care of all things of Stainless Steel.
I’ve been researching stainless steel cookie sheets, like Heirloom Cookie Sheets. Any thoughts/experience on those?
Hello thank you for the article.
Which one from stainless steel be the healthiest?
3ply has aluminum in it?
Would this still be considered safe because it is not coming to a contact with a food?
Description of s pan I am looking at:
*Uncoated interior, even heat distribution.
*Composition and care: stainless steel. *Dishwasher safe.
*Dimensions: 24cm.
*Made in France.
Or would be better
SS 18/10
SS 18/8
What does it mean magnetic safe? Like from a cooking point of view?
Which one is safer 3-ply or 18/10?
Thank you,
Great article I need to read it few times as well as it is a lot to take in.
Great article! I was wondering more about the difference in performance of solid ferritic ss pans, like the U.S. made Noni series from Solidteknics. I really like how they are solid 1 piece stainless steel, but very expensive. They really talk up the benefits of ferritic steel, saying its even faster to transfer heat than aluminum. Could that even possibly be right? Very few reviews out there, so I am still skeptical.
Continued to previous comment, sir as said stainless steel are not good for too much salty and acidic foods, so which cookwares are suitable for this. I heard about some of the options of stainless steel such as prestine, bergner,staul,Vinod , which one is good from these. Plz kindly guide us in this regard,thank you.
Hello sir/madam, thank you so much for giving detailed information about SS cookware set.
You have mentioned in this article about best Stainless steel cookware set in USA. Likewise, can you please tell us about best Stainless steel cookware set available in India??
Please guide us in this regard.
My question is, If a stainless steel is made up of 3 to 5 ply, and the 18/10 stainless steel is inside ( the side in which food is in contact), then followed by a set of aluminum in between, and outside is the magnetic (ferritic metal), is it possible that the the 18/10 stainless steel become magnetic?
hi Dorina, by its very nature, the inside layer, if it is made of 18/10 SS, would be non-magnetic. So it is highly unlikely that the inside layer would become magnetic simply because the outer most layer is magnetic.
SS vs Aluminum
I had used a very heavy SS set by Kirkland (Costco) for many years before picking up a non-stick aluminum 5 qt pot. I have observed:
1. SS is much heavier and hard to lift and pour out. I really like the lighter weight of Al.
2. SS took a long time to heat up and could not maintain a hard boil for pasta. Al was much better.
3. Of course, the SS will last forever while I need to replace the Al pot.
Your write-up made us to think beyond market confusion. In India we have a HUGE grey market of cookwares. But after reading your article we shall search for a scientific gradation and certification, hope Amazon shall provide us?
Kindly help to find stainless steal cookwares in Indian market!
Saladmaster Cookware – the best 316ti Surgical Stainless Steel with Titanium
Hi Natalie,
I am confused between CUISINART MCP-12NCC MultiClad Pro Stainless Steel Cookware Set,Cuisinart 77-11G Chef’s Classic Stainless Cookware Set, and Cuisinart Hand Hammered Triple-Ply Stainless Steel Cookware Set. I am interested in a durable non stick set. All 3 of these are approximately the same price. Your suggestion will be appreciated.
Hello Nimish, one of the main differences between Cuisinart MCP and 77-11G is that the first is ‘clad’ cookware, meaning the layer of aluminum that is sandwiched between the 2 outer layers of stainless steel runs all the way along the base AND the sides (i.e. it is tri-ply, meaning 3-layer, cookware). The 77-11G set has a thick aluminum core only at the base. So if you’re getting them for a similar price, I would go with MCP, more material and a full layer of aluminum that will give even heat all around the food instead of just at the base.
As for the hammered tri-ply set – it should have the same functionality as MCP, just different aesthetics so comes down to personal choice.
Hope that helps!
there is a one brand of cookware named “salad Master” it is so expensive it range from $5000 to $11000
They said they are only the best, seems that, they’re saying all cooking pot are bad and toxic.
Pls help me decide between
Lagostina 3ply stainless steel hand hammered cookware, and
Cuisinart 5 ply stainless steel hand hammered cookware.
The prices are almost similar and I can’t tell the difference between the quality.
Also, does 5ply take longer to heat up/cook?
Pls help!!!
Hi Mona,
The one difference I can see between the 2 sets is that the Lagostina set doesn’t seem to be induction stove compatible whereas the Cuisinart set is.
Other than the induction feature, I honestly don’t think you’ll see much of a difference in performance between the sets and both sets are beautiful to look at but I would lean towards the 5-ply if price differential isn’t much.
Generally speaking, extra plys means more material was used to make the pan, which means it should be a somewhat heavier pan. Also means a more sturdy pan that can retain heat for longer. If you’re able to physically inspect before buying, I would say lift up an equivalent pan from each set. If Cuisinart feels heavier, then you know you’re getting more for the plys rather than just thinner but more layers.
As for your last question, I can answer from my personal experience, since I use both 3 ply and 5 ply pans. I do find the 5 ply takes longer to heat up (thicker, heavier pan) but once its heated up, it needs lower heat to keep cooking (i.e. more efficient heat retention).
Hope this helps and you’re able to decide!
Just wondering if you know anything about the Lagostina 5 ply copper clad 12 pc cookware set? Is it comparable to All-Clad copper core set? Just trying to figure it out.
Hi Rebecca, both sets are 5 ply (i.e 5 layers of metal). However the Lagostina has a layer of copper cladding (i.e. layer of copper on the base as well as up the sides) whereas the All Clad just has a copper core (disc at the base). Doesn’t necessarily mean one is better than the other, but that’s a key difference.
I have been trying to find out more about Calphalon Signature and am wondering whether it is better than the Calphalon Contemporary. I know one is 3 ply vs 5 ply. But is the 5 ply Signature better? For some reason, there is little comparison of the Calphalon Signature online. thanks!
Hi Christina, you’d do well with either set. Any 5-ply set would be more expensive than a 3 ply set and would offer a few additional advantages, like a heavier pan (in a good way i.e. more substantial), more even heating because of the extra layers of aluminum in the middle, lower chance of ever warping. To be honest, in everyday cooking you’re not likely to notice much of a difference. 3-ply would be your choice if you’re looking for quality but also value for money. 5-ply would be a higher end choice. -Hope that helps!
Trying to decide between Cuisinart multiclad pro and the Homi Chef nickel free set for induction. Which will provide more even heat throughout the pan? The Cuisinart is triple-ply throughout the whole thing where as the Homi Chef is magnetic throughout the whole thing but only triple-ply on the bottom. Which one will provide more even heat throughout?
Hi Rick, both will perform well but with the tri-ply feature, your food will get surrounded by heat rather than just at the bottom, so naturally, that is a superior feature. Beyond that, its a personal decision based on preference and budget.
Would you recommend stainless steel pots to be used on a gas stove?
hi Tara, yes, absolutely!
What a great break down. This HS science teacher really appreciated your article.
And I learned so much about the cooking end of things.
Thank you!
Hi Badger40,
That compliment made my day, so glad you found the article useful :)
Awesome article !!! Thank you so much for the detailed and scientific information !
So glad you found it useful Franck!
Stainless steel is an excellent durable material with wonderful corrosion resistant properties. Unfortunately in cookware, if it is exposed to high temperatures , as utilised in cooking, chemical reactions will occur between your food and the constituents of stainless steel…here’s an interesting article. Though anecdotal it’s nonetheless food for thought https://rmaelect1.wordpress.com
I really appreciate you helping me learn more about stainless steel cookware buying guide. I never knew that Steel is much stronger than a plain iron but it can rust and corrode. Thus, in order to make it resistant to rust and corrosion, it needs to be combined with chromium and other elements to form stainless steel. On the other hand, I like how you mentioned that it is durable and easy to maintain.
I truly appreciate your information sharing, which has solved my long-time query (I do not even get answers from my engineering qualified friends) – especially the one on whether the steel should be attracted by magnet / not.
Just a few questions if you could enlighten me:
1. Which other brands would be nickel free, or uses 316 stainless steel that are not made in USA? (is WMF one of such brands?)
2. How would the nickel free / 316 certified cookware be represented? (i.e. 18 / 8 etc).
3. How could we belief that the numberings were not stamped? Is there a mandate to ensure / verify the compliance of the raw materials being used?
hi Dennis, I’m glad you found the info helpful!
As for your questions:
1. I only know of Homi Chef as a nickel-free SS set option.
2. Nickel free would be 18/0 (at least that’s what Homi Chef says)
3. I would refer to the NSF International Standard for Food Equipment Material for compliance in food grade cooking materials.
Hope that helped!
Did you know that when you combine titanium with stainless steel it’s much more safer for cooking? Plus it helps to retain nutrients and flavor! Nowadays there are several cookware brands that offer this combination but the best I’ve seen has come from Saladmaster Cookware.
If you use coconut oil in your stainless steel frying pan, the eggs will not stick, in fact they will leave almost no residue.
Hi jean, so can i say that 21/0 is safer than 18/10?
I would like your opinion on Homi Chef nickel-free stainless steel cookware. Thanks so much!
hi Jean, I think Homi Chef is a great option for people who want to completely avoid nickel in their cookware. Normally nickel is added to stainless steel to increase its corrosion resistance. In this case, a higher percentage of Chromium is added(21% vs 18%), which should achieve a comparable level of corrosion resistance. So far the reviews for Homi Chef cookware are also good so I think it would be a good purchase if you are going for a nickel free stainless steel cookware.
What’s your opinion of the waterless cookware: Luster Craft. ?
hi Destiny, from what I can gather from a quick look on the web, this brand has been around for over a century and is made of high quality surgical grade stainless steel. Add to that it is 100% Made in America. If you’re considering purchasing it, I think you’d be making a great choice.